
Talon Jeldar

Direktlink: //rpg.yhoko.com/chars/16191/3f5c55/

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"Be careful with what you wish for."

"Because you might get it."

Talon is a young man of slim figure and with 1,83 m probably neither remarkable tall or short. Usually he gives a friendly yet distant impression to a stranger with his light and polite smile.

His hair is about shoulders length and of a dark, almost wine red colour. The scruff on his face should not be called beard but he shaves regularly to always look posh and neat. It does seem like he cares quite a lot about his looks: clean clothes, his neatly trimmed beard and a remarkable amount of chains and jewellery on his body. Talon favours dark clothes that go well with his hair colour and he seems to have a liking for pinstripes...

One striking and quite unusual feature are his bright, grey eyes. Under the right light, they might even appear white and no matter how friendly and polite his smile is, these eyes always make his gaze colder than it should be.
He usually travels light and avoids big backpacks to carry most of the things he needs in little pouches that are attached to the many many belts around his hips. However he does carry a large leather holster for his custom-made shot gun.


Talon Jeldar
m Human
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